I'm getting no results for my search query.
Please be sure that at least 1 download source is activated. You can manage the download sources with the „manage sources” button under the search bar. If you still get no results - please try to delete your browser cache, restart your browser and refresh the page before starting your search again.
I'm not able to enable/disable a download source.
Please try to delete your browser cache, restart your browser and refresh the page. If it still doesn't work write us an email using our contact form.
I just get an error message and no file when I click download.
Please send us the error code you see on the error page via our contact form. We'll check it and then we will try to fix the error.
I am not able to save the file on my Apple Device.
It is not possible to save files on iPhones, iPads or iPods without the use of additional applications. If you would like to save files on your Apple device, you can install a browser app like Documents by Readdle. With the browser of such an app you can download files to your device. An alternative solution is to save a file to the cloud and stream it from there.
I am receiving push notifications from mp3downloads.co.za and would like to stop them.
Unsubscribe (video instruction)
I would like to upload my music to Download-lagu-mp3.com.
It is not possible to upload any files to mp3downloads.co.za. If you want to list your files in our search - upload your music on youtube.com, soundcloud.com or any other supported download source. On the next search your music should be listed in our search.